Terravita Art League Membership


Membership Benefits

The benefits of belonging to the Terravita Art League are many - at the top of the list are diverse classes offered at all levels, allowing and encouraging members to express their creative spirit. The newly renovated Desert Pavilion is the center and heartbeat of our art related activities and where the stimulation of member talents, experience and backgrounds network to enliven the arts within our community. Our members also enjoy our art forums and trips to various art venues in the Valley of the Sun. We also outreach to our community through cultural evenings, email and website communications, art exhibits in the Desert Pavilion as well as hosting the Terravita Studio Tour, Resident Art Show and end of season celebration. We invite you to join Terravita Art League!

Our members pay dues of $35 for residents of Terravita, $50 for non-residents and are due each season. These are individal memberships, not family. The season is based on a fiscal year and defined from June 1 through May 31.


      Join Terravita Art League       


All Classes Are Held in the Desert Pavilion Art Room, 34109 N. 69th Way, Scottsdale, AZ 85266

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